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There are a few things you can try to bypass the Flask-Forms 404 Error:

  1. Check your URL: Make sure the URL you are trying to access is correct and matches the URL in your Flask application code.

  2. Check your Flask routes: Check that your Flask routes are correctly defined in your application code and that they match the routes you are trying to access.

  3. Use the correct HTTP method: Make sure you are using the correct HTTP method for the form you are submitting. For example, if your form is using the POST method, make sure your Flask route is also using the POST method.

  4. Use the correct form action: Check that your form action matches the Flask route you are trying to access. If your form is submitting to a route that does not exist, this could cause the 404 Error.

  5. Ensure Flask-Forms is installed: Ensure that Flask-Forms is installed in your environment, as it is required for Flask forms to work correctly.

  6. Use the correct form template syntax: Make sure you are using the correct syntax in your template to render the form. This should include the correct form object and form fields.

  7. Check any extensions: If you are using any Flask extensions in your application, make sure they are set up correctly and are not causing conflicts with Flask-Forms.