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To utilize a rust binary as a library, the following steps need to be followed:

  1. Create a library project in Rust by running the cargo new --lib my_library command in the terminal. This will create a new Rust library project with a file in the src directory.

  2. In the file of the library project, write the functions that you want to use in your binary project. Make sure to mark them as public by adding the pub keyword to their signatures.

  3. Build the library project by running the cargo build command in the terminal. This will create a .rlib file in the target/debug directory.

  4. In the binary project, add a dependency to the library project by adding the following line to the Cargo.toml file:

    my_library = { path = "../path/to/my_library" }

    Replace ../path/to/my_library with the path to the library project directory.

  5. In the binary project, import the functions from the library project by adding the following line to the top of the file:

    use my_library::my_function;

    Replace my_function with the name of the function that you want to use.

  6. Use the imported functions in the binary project as normal Rust functions.