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There are a few potential reasons why you may not be able to see the changes you made to your code even after nodemon has restarted the server:

  1. Cache: Your browser may be caching the old version of your code. Try clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page again.

  2. Server not running: Check that your server is actually running after nodemon has restarted. Look for any errors or logs in your console.

  3. Server port: Make sure the port your server is running on is correct. Check your server code to see which port it's listening on, and make sure it matches the port you're trying to access in your browser.

  4. File path: Double-check that the changes you made were saved to the correct file path. If the changes weren't saved to the file that nodemon is monitoring, then it won't be aware of the changes.

  5. Nodemon configuration: Check your nodemon configuration to ensure that it's monitoring the correct file extensions and directories. If it's not set up correctly, nodemon might not be restarting your server when changes are made.

By reviewing and debugging these issues, you should be able to see the applied modifications when you refresh your browser.