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There are several reasons why the Angular 13 build may take a long time when using the command "ng build --prod=true":

  1. Size and Complexity of the Application: If the application is large and complex, it can take a longer time to build because there is more code to compile and optimize.

  2. Compilation and Optimization: During the build process, Angular compiles and optimizes the code, which can take longer for larger applications. When using the "--prod=true" flag, the build process includes additional optimizations, such as tree shaking and dead code elimination, which can take more time.

  3. Dependencies: If the application has a lot of dependencies, it can impact the build time. When running a build, Angular needs to fetch all the dependencies and compile them as well.

  4. Hardware: The hardware specifications of the system can impact the build time. Lower-end hardware may struggle with complex builds, whereas high-end hardware can breeze through the build process.

  5. Network Speed: If the application dependencies are stored remotely, it can impact the build time if the network connection is slow.