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initial version
  1. Optimize database queries: Efficient and optimized database queries help efficient reading of data and make the process faster.

  2. Limit the number of columns: By reducing the number of columns in the table, it will take less time to generate and display the HTML table.

  3. Use pagination: Large datasets can benefit greatly from pagination, as it reduces the amount of data generated by the HTML table, which makes it faster.

  4. Use caching: If the data changes infrequently, you can use caching to store data and avoid making unnecessary database queries, thus making table generation faster.

  5. Use server-side scripts: Generating dynamic HTML tables using server-side scripting languages like PHP, Ruby, or Python help reduce the processing time and results in fast table generation.

  6. Use Gzip compression: Compressing the data using Gzip compression can help reduce the amount of data that is transmitted, and thus makes loading of the dynamic HTML table faster.

  7. Optimize front-end code: To ensure optimal performance, it is essential to optimize the front-end code. Minify CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery and apply techniques like lazy loading or async loading to reduce the burden on the browser.