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To obtain a viewmodel when using Hilt in UnitTest, you can use the HiltRule class provided by Hilt. Here are the steps:

  1. Add the dependencies for Hilt and Hilt testing in your project as follows:
dependencies {
    // Hilt
    implementation ''
    kapt ''
    // Hilt testing
    testImplementation ''
    androidTestImplementation ''
    kaptTest ''
  1. Create a test class and annotate it with @HiltAndroidTest.
class MyViewModelTest {
    // ...
  1. In your test class, create an instance of HiltViewModelTest and get the viewmodel you want to test.
var hiltRule = HiltViewModelTestRule()

fun testMyViewModel() {
    val viewModel = hiltRule.viewModel<MyViewModel>()
    // Use the viewModel methods to test the behavior
  1. Use the viewModel method provided by HiltViewModelTestRule to get the viewmodel instance. You can now use it to test the behavior of the viewmodel.

Note: You need to add the Hilt components to the test module or use the @UninstallModules annotation to remove any component that may interfere with your test.