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To create a fresh MonetDB database on a 64-bit version of Windows 7, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the MonetDB software from their official website.

  2. Open the command prompt and navigate to the directory where MonetDB is installed.

  3. Run the command "mserver5 --dbfarm=PATHTONEWDBDIRECTORY start" to start the MonetDB server with a new database.

  4. Replace "PATHTONEWDBDIRECTORY" with the path and name of the directory where you want to create the new MonetDB database.

  5. Once the server is started, you can connect to it using a client tool such as mclient. Run the command "mclient -d new_database" to connect to the new database.

  6. You can now create new tables, insert data, and perform other operations on the new MonetDB database.