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There could be a few reasons why your self-created functions are not being recognized during deployment of the Streamlit app:

  1. Incorrect file path - Make sure that the file path of the script containing the function is correctly set.

  2. Missing dependencies - If your function relies on external modules or libraries, make sure those dependencies are installed in the environment where the Streamlit app is being deployed.

  3. Function name conflict - Double-check that the name of your function is unique and not conflicting with built-in functions or other functions in your code.

  4. Scoping issues - Ensure that the function is defined in the proper scope for the Streamlit app to access it.

  5. Folder structure - Make sure your code and files are organized in a way that is compatible with Streamlit's required file structure.

In summary, check the file path, dependencies, function name, scoping, and folder structure to ensure that your self-created functions can be recognized during deployment of the Streamlit app.