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Django supports front-end caching through its built-in caching framework. Here's how it works:

  1. A user requests a page from the Django server.
  2. The server checks if the page is already cached. If it is, Django returns the cached version of the page.
  3. If the page is not cached, Django generates the HTML response and sends it to the user.
  4. Before sending the response, the server saves a copy of the response in the cache. The cache key is usually a combination of the URL and the user's session data (if any).
  5. The next time the user requests the same page, the server checks the cache first. If a cached version is found, Django returns that instead of generating a new response.

There are different types of caches that Django supports, such as:

  1. In-process cache: stores cache data in the same process as the web server. This is the fastest type of cache because data is stored in memory and doesn't require network requests.
  2. Database cache: stores cache data in a database. This type of cache is slower than in-process cache but provides more flexibility in terms of scalability and persistence.
  3. Memcached cache: stores cache data in a distributed memory cache system. This type of cache is suitable for high-volume websites because it can handle a large amount of data without slowing down the web server.

By using front-end caching in Django, you can significantly reduce the load on the server and improve the user experience by serving pages faster.