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There could be multiple reasons why xdebug is not starting in dunglas/symfony-docker:

  1. Xdebug is not enabled: Make sure that xdebug is enabled in the php.ini file. You can check if xdebug is enabled by running the command php -m | grep xdebug.

  2. Incorrect configuration: Check if the configuration in the php.ini file is correct. Make sure that the xdebug.remoteenable and xdebug.remoteautostart options are set to true.

  3. Port conflict: Check if the port used by xdebug is already in use. You can change the port number in the php.ini file.

  4. Firewall blocking the connection: Check if the firewall is blocking the connection between the PHP container and the xdebug client.

  5. Debug client is not correctly configured: Make sure that the debug client is correctly configured to listen for xdebug connections. The most common client is Visual Studio Code's PHP Debug extension.

If none of these solutions work, you may need to seek further assistance or consider a different Docker image.