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The total count of unique arrangements of key values that can be inserted into a hash table depends on the size of the hash table and the number of keys being inserted.

Assuming a hash table of size n and k keys being inserted, the total count of unique arrangements can be calculated using the formula:

nPk * (n - k)!

where nPk represents the number of ways to permute k keys into n slots (i.e., the number of possible hash function outputs), and (n - k)! represents the number of ways to arrange the remaining empty slots in the hash table.

For example, if we have a hash table of size 10 and 5 keys being inserted, the total count of unique arrangements would be:

10P5 * (10 - 5)! = 10!/5! * 5! * 5! = 302,400

Therefore, there are 302,400 unique arrangements of key values that can be inserted into a hash table of size 10 when inserting 5 keys.