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There could be a few reasons why you are unable to view the list of functions during Azure Function V2 deployment using VS Code:

  1. Incorrect VS Code extension: Make sure you are using the Azure Functions extension for VS Code. If you are not using the correct extension, it may not provide the necessary functionality to display the list of functions.

  2. Missing or invalid project configuration: Make sure your project is properly configured and has all the necessary files and settings in place. If your project is missing important files or configurations, the list of functions may not be generated or displayed properly.

  3. Outdated or incompatible dependencies: Check your project's dependencies and ensure they are up to date and compatible with the version of Azure Functions you are using. If your dependencies are outdated or incompatible, the list of functions may not be generated or displayed properly.

  4. Network or connectivity issues: Ensure you have a stable internet connection to access the Azure portal and needed resources. If your connection is unstable or lost, it may cause errors and stop List of functions from being displayed properly.

  5. Corrupt installation: If none of the above is the problem, you may need to try completely uninstalling and reinstalling the Azure Functions extension and VS Code. Sometimes a corrupt or incomplete installation can cause problems with the extension's functionality.