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No, it is not possible to execute a Java class file compiled with ajc in the command line directly. This is because ajc (AspectJ compiler) compiles Java classes with additional bytecode added to support aspect-oriented programming (AOP) features, which are not directly supported by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Thus, ajc requires a special custom JVM called the AspectJ runtime (runtime AspectJ libraries) to execute the code.

To execute a Java class file compiled with ajc, you need to use the AspectJ runtime, which includes the additional bytecode required for the AOP features. The AspectJ runtime can be included in your project or installed as a stand-alone library.

So, to run a Java class file compiled with ajc, you need to use the AspectJ runtime's java command instead of the standard Java command. For example, to run a Java class named MyClass that was compiled with ajc, you can use the following command:

java -classpath path/to/aspectjrt.jar MyClass

where path/to/aspectjrt.jar is the path to the AspectJ runtime library jar file.