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To convert hexadecimal to base64, follow these steps:

  1. Convert the hexadecimal to binary.
  2. Group the binary digits into groups of 6.
  3. Convert each group of 6 binary digits into the corresponding base64 character.
  4. Add padding characters if necessary.


  1. Convert the hexadecimal value "1A3" to binary:

    • "1" = 0001
    • "A" = 1010
    • "3" = 0011
    • Combined binary value = 0001101010011
  2. Group the binary digits into groups of 6:

    • 000110 101001 1
  3. Convert each group of 6 binary digits into the corresponding base64 character:

    • 000110 = "G"
    • 101001 = "p"
    • 1 = "="
    • Final base64 value = "Gp="
  4. Add padding characters if necessary. Since the binary value was not evenly divisible by 6, we added one "=" padding character at the end of the base64 value.

Therefore, the hexadecimal value "1A3" is equal to the base64 value "Gp=".