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There could be a few reasons why the app is not redirecting back after successful authentication with Twitter using react-native-twitter-signin. Here are some possible solutions:

  1. Check if the callback url is set correctly Make sure that the callback url in your Twitter app settings matches the one in your react-native app. The callback url should be in the format "yourapp://twitter-signin". If the callback url doesn't match, Twitter won't be able to redirect back to your react-native app.

  2. Check if the URL scheme is set correctly on IOS Check that the "URL Scheme" property in your Xcode project's Info.plist file matches the one used in your callback url. For example, if your callback url is "yourapp://twitter-signin", the URL scheme in Info.plist should be "yourapp".

  3. Check if the handleOpenUrl function is implemented in your code The handleOpenUrl function is triggered when the app is opened from a deep link, such as when the Twitter authentication is successful and the app is redirected back to the callback url. Make sure that this function is implemented in your App.js file (or whichever file is handling navigation in your app). The function should include a switch statement that redirects to the appropriate screen based on the url scheme.

  4. Check if the Twitter authentication flow is triggered correctly Make sure that the Twitter authentication flow is properly triggered when the user clicks on the "Sign in with Twitter" button. Double check that the correct functions are called in the correct order, and that any necessary parameters (such as consumer key and secret) are passed correctly.

By addressing any issues with the above steps, you should be able to properly redirect back to your app after successful authentication with Twitter.