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In Oz, a list can be separated into two smaller lists using the following code:

L = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
N = length(L)
Half = N div 2
First_half = L[1..Half]
Second_half = L[Half+1..N]
{Browse First_half Second_half}

In this code, the original list L is first defined with some arbitrary values.

The N variable is then defined as the length of the original list using the length function.

Next, the Half variable is defined as the integer division of N by 2, which gives the midpoint of the list.

The First_half variable is defined as a sub-list of L containing the first Half elements, using the slice notation [1..Half].

Similarly, the Second_half variable is defined as a sub-list of L containing the remaining elements after the midpoint, using the slice notation [Half+1..N].

Finally, the Browse statement is used to display both sub-lists.