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Yes, it is possible to automatically clone the git repository when a new commit is made. This can be achieved by using webhooks, which are HTTP callbacks that allows external services to be notified when certain events occur in a repository.

When a webhook is triggered, it sends a payload containing information about the event, such as the commit hash and the repository URL. You can use this information to automatically clone the repository by running a script that utilizes the git CLI tool.

For example, if you are using a webhook service like GitHub's webhook, you can configure it to send a POST request to your server whenever a new commit is made. You can then write a script that listens for this request, extracts the necessary information from the payload, and runs the git clone command to clone the repository.

Keep in mind that automatically cloning a repository can be resource-intensive and may not be practical for large repositories. Additionally, you should ensure that you have appropriate permissions to access the repository before cloning it.