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To resolve the operand type clash error when updating the DateDim table using a table-valued function, you can do the following:

  1. Check the data types of the columns in the table and the table-valued function.

  2. Make sure that the data types match.

  3. If the data types do not match, you may need to convert the data types to a compatible type.

  4. Use the CONVERT function to convert the data types to a compatible type. For example, if the column in the table is of type DATE and the column in the table-valued function is of type DATETIME, you can use the CONVERT function to convert the DATETIME value to a DATE value before inserting it into the table.

  5. You may also need to check the length of the columns in the table and the table-valued function. If the length of the column in the table is less than the length of the column in the table-valued function, you may need to increase the length of the column in the table.

By ensuring that the data types and lengths of the columns match or are compatible, you should be able to update the DateDim table without encountering the operand type clash error.