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Yes, it is possible to have multiple docks in a single project using rswag rails. You can define multiple SwaggerUI endpoints using the swagger_api method in your config/routes.rb file, and then define separate docks for each endpoint in your config/initializers/rswag-api.rb file.

For example, if you want to define two separate endpoints for your API, you could add the following code to your config/routes.rb file:

# Define endpoint for API v1
namespace :api do
  namespace :v1 do
    swagger_api :v1 do
      # SwaggerUI documentation for API v1

# Define endpoint for API v2
namespace :api do
  namespace :v2 do
    swagger_api :v2 do
      # SwaggerUI documentation for API v2

Then, in your config/initializers/rswag-api.rb file, you can define separate docks for each endpoint:

# Define dock for API v1
Rswag::Api.configure do |config|
  config.swagger_root = Rails.root.to_s + '/swagger/v1'
  config.swagger_dry_run = false

# Define dock for API v2
Rswag::Api.configure do |config|
  config.swagger_root = Rails.root.to_s + '/swagger/v2'
  config.swagger_dry_run = false

This way, you can have separate SwaggerUI documentation for each endpoint, while still using rswag rails to generate and manage the documentation for each endpoint.