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There could be a few reasons why the strextractall() function fails to work on some datasets:

  1. Format or structure of the data: The function may not be able to recognize the pattern or character string in the data if it is not in the expected format or structure. This could be due to missing or improperly formatted data, special characters, or unexpected data types.

  2. Regular expression syntax: The function uses regular expression syntax to extract the desired substrings, and if the syntax is incorrect, it may not extract the desired results. It is important to ensure that the regular expression syntax used is correct and appropriate for the specific dataset.

  3. Encoding issues: The function may not be able to recognize specific characters or text strings if there are encoding issues in the dataset. This could lead to incorrect results or errors in the output.

Overall, it is important to carefully examine the dataset and the specific parameters used in the function to identify any issues that may be causing it to fail.