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  1. Set up branch protection rules To prevent files from being deleted in a repository, create a set of rules to protect branches. This can be achieved via GitHub, GitLab, or any other Git hosting platform.

  2. Lock the master branch Protecting the master branch is a great way to prevent the accidental deletion of important files. Use branch protection rules to restrict access to the master branch.

  3. Limit the scope of deletion To prevent accidental deletion, limit the scope of what users are permitted to do with a set of files or directories. Limiting deletion to just one person, for example, makes it less likely to be a mistake.

  4. Implement a code review policy To prevent the accidental deletion of files, set up a code review policy that involves at least one other person reviewing any changes.

  5. Set up an automated backup system To ensure that files deleted by accident can be restored, use an automated backup system to create regular backups in a safe place.

  6. Provide training and support Train your team on how to avoid accidents when dealing with Git, and offer support when they encounter issues or need further help.