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There could be several reasons why the app shuts down when switching to the Google Maps section in a Flutter application. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Missing API Key: If you have not provided a valid API key for Google Maps in your app's code, the app may crash when accessing the Maps section.

  2. Memory Issues: If your app is consuming too much memory, it may crash when accessing the Maps section. This can happen if you are not releasing memory when it's no longer needed, or if you are loading too much data in memory at once.

  3. Bug in the Code: There could be a bug in your app's code specifically related to the Maps section, which causes the app to crash. This could be due to an error in the code, or an issue with compatibility between the Flutter framework and the Google Maps API.

To resolve this issue, you should check your app's code for any errors, ensure that you have provided a valid API key for Google Maps, and ensure that your app is managing memory correctly. It may also be helpful to consult with the Flutter community or seek professional support to identify and resolve the issue.