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The process for removing all data from PostgreSQL where the JSONB field includes an array of keys would involve using the DELETE command with a WHERE clause that specifies the condition for the JSONB field.

Here is an example query that removes all data from a table called "mytable" where the JSONB field "myfield" includes an array of keys:

DELETE FROM my_table WHERE my_field -> 'my_array' ?| array['key1', 'key2'];

In this query, the -> operator is used to access the "myarray" field within the "myfield" JSONB object. The ?| operator checks whether any of the keys in the specified array (in this case, "key1" and "key2") are present in the "my_array" field.

This query will delete all rows from the "mytable" table where the "myfield" JSONB field includes an array that contains at least one of the specified keys.