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There could be several reasons for this issue, some possible reasons are:

  1. Improper configuration of MongoDB server or database connections: Check if the MongoDB server is running, if the database connection strings are correct or not.

  2. Permissions issue: Make sure that the images folder or files have proper permission or access privileges.

  3. Incorrect path or file name for images: Check if the path or file name for images is correct or not.

  4. Incorrect file format or corrupted file: Check if the images are in the correct format or not, and if they are corrupted or not.

  5. Coding mistakes: Check if there are any coding mistakes such as syntax errors or logical errors in the code.

  6. Server overload: If the server is overloaded, it may not be able to handle requests properly, causing errors.

These are some of the possible reasons for receiving a MongoDB server error and not being able to view images when using MongoDB, NodeJS, and ExpressJS.