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The process for importing data from SQL Server to Redis involves the following steps:

  1. Export data from SQL Server: The first step is to export the data that needs to be imported into Redis from the SQL Server database. This can be achieved using various tools like SQL Server Management Studio or using scripts in SQL.

  2. Transform Data: The exported data needs to be transformed into a format that can be imported into Redis. A suitable format for Redis would be JSON, which can be achieved by using a JSON converter tool.

  3. Connect to Redis: Next, establish a connection to the Redis server using a Redis client library like StackExchange.Redis or Redis for .NET.

  4. Load Data: Finally, load the transformed data into Redis using the appropriate data structure. Redis supports several data structures like Hash, List, Set, and Sorted Set, and the choice of data structure depends on the nature of the data.

  5. Verify Data: After the data is loaded into Redis, verify the data by querying Redis and comparing it with the SQL Server data.

  6. Maintain Synchronization: Once the data is imported into Redis, it is important to maintain synchronization between the SQL Server and Redis databases to ensure consistency between the two data stores. This can be done using various synchronization techniques like Periodic synchronization, Real-time synchronization, and Trigger-based synchronization.