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In order to access the Wso2 Identity Server application via the datastore, a user must follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the Wso2 Identity Server is installed and running on a server.

  2. Configure the Wso2 Identity Server to use the desired datastore. This can be done by updating the configuration files with the appropriate connection parameters.

  3. Access the Wso2 Identity Server application by navigating to the appropriate URL in a web browser. This is typically the hostname or IP address of the server on which the Wso2 Identity Server is installed, followed by the port number and the context path of the application.

  4. Enter the appropriate credentials to authenticate with the Wso2 Identity Server application. This will vary depending on the user's configuration and authentication settings.

  5. Once authenticated, the user can access the Wso2 Identity Server functionality to manage users, groups, roles, and other identity-related features using the datastore as the source of truth.