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There are several other approaches that can be used besides QThread or moveToThread():

  1. QThreadPool: This is a high-level thread management solution provided by Qt. It manages a pool of worker threads, which can be used to execute tasks in parallel.

  2. std::thread and std::async: These are part of the standard C++ library and provide a low-level mechanism for working with threads.

  3. QtConcurrent: This is a high-level framework that allows you to easily execute tasks in parallel using Qt. It provides several useful functions such as map, filter, and reduce, which can be used to parallelize data processing tasks.

  4. Pthreads: Posix threads are a low-level threading API available in Unix-like operating systems. They provide a lower level of abstraction compared to Qt's threading APIs.

  5. Boost.Thread: This is a C++ library that provides a portable, high-level threading API. It is similar to Qt's threading APIs but provides more functionality, such as support for futures and promises.