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Here are some steps to resolve the issue of Puppeteer not being found in the NPM module:

  1. Check if Puppeteer is installed: Run the command npm list | grep puppeteer in your terminal. If it returns an empty result or an error message, it means Puppeteer is not installed.

  2. Install Puppeteer: Run the command npm install puppeteer in your terminal. If you are using a specific version of Puppeteer, you can add the version number at the end of the command (e.g. npm install puppeteer@1.20.0). This will install Puppeteer and its dependencies.

  3. Check the package.json file: Make sure that Puppeteer is listed as a dependency in your package.json file. If it is not listed, you can add it manually by running the command npm install --save puppeteer.

  4. Clear the cache: Sometimes, the NPM cache can cause issues with installing packages. To clear the cache, run the command npm cache clean --force.

  5. Delete the nodemodules folder: If all else fails, you can delete the nodemodules folder in your project directory and reinstall all dependencies by running the command npm install.

Once you have resolved the issue, you should be able to use Puppeteer in your project.