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Here are some tips to achieve smooth re-rendering when using mapping in React JS:

  1. Use unique keys: When mapping through an array, make sure to assign unique keys to each element. React uses keys to identify which elements have changed, and it helps in faster re-rendering.

  2. Use shouldComponentUpdate: If the component is not changing frequently, you can use shouldComponentUpdate lifecycle method to limit the re-rendering. This method returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the component should update or not.

  3. Use PureComponent: PureComponent is a class component that has shouldComponentUpdate implemented for you. It performs a shallow comparison of props and state, and if they are the same, it prevents re-rendering.

  4. Use React.memo: You can also use React.memo to memoize the functional component. It caches the previous result and only re-renders if the inputs have changed.

  5. Use virtualization: If you have a large list of elements that need to be rendered, consider using virtualization. It only renders what is visible on the screen, which improves the performance and reduces unnecessary re-renders.