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The problem with decoding QR code process in Spring Boot with JUnit Test resulting in could be due to a few reasons:

  1. The QR code may not be properly encoded or generated, resulting in an unreadable code. Check the QR code generation process and ensure that it is valid.

  2. The QR code image may not be properly read by the ZXing library due to incorrect image format or size. Make sure that the image is in the correct format (PNG, JPEG, etc.) and that it is of a suitable size and resolution.

  3. The ZXing library may not be properly integrated into the Spring Boot testing environment. Verify that the library is included in the project dependencies and that the correct version is being used.

  4. The QR code may not be properly located or passed to the decoding function. Check that the QR code image is being correctly located and that it is being passed to the decoding function in the correct format.