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To incorporate small arrows into the path between the origin and destination on Mapbox, you can use the "tooltips" feature. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a line layer with the path between the origin and destination.

  2. Add a symbol layer on top of the line layer using the same data.

  3. In the symbol layer's "icon-image" property, specify the name of the arrow image you want to use.

  4. In the symbol layer's "icon-rotate" property, calculate the bearing between each point on the line layer and the next point, in degrees.

  5. To make the arrows appear only along the line, use the "line-offset" property to offset the symbol layer from the line.

  6. Add a tooltip to the symbol layer to display additional information about the path, such as distance or time.

  7. Customize the style of the arrow to match the overall look and feel of your map.