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initial version
  1. Adapter Pattern - This pattern can be used to convert the non-English model data into a standardized format that can be easily used by the application.

  2. Facade Pattern - This pattern can be used to provide a simplified interface to access the complex WSDL and its corresponding non-English model data.

  3. Decorator Pattern - This pattern can be used to add functionality to the non-English model data without modifying the original code.

  4. Singleton Pattern - This pattern can be used to ensure that only one instance of the non-English model data is created to avoid any inconsistencies.

  5. Observer Pattern - This pattern can be used to notify the application when there are any changes made to the non-English model data.

  6. Factory Pattern - This pattern can be used to create objects of the non-English model data and ensure that they are created in a consistent manner.

  7. Strategy Pattern - This pattern can be used to choose different algorithms to work with the non-English model data based on its characteristics.