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There are several steps you can take to address the issue of being unable to stream API response on Flask application hosted on Google Cloud platform:

  1. Use the correct response headers: Make sure that your Flask application is sending the correct response headers for streaming data. You should include "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" and "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" in your response header.

  2. Use WSGI server: Google Cloud Platform recommends using a WSGI server such as Gunicorn or uWSGI to run your Flask application. This allows for better performance and scalability, especially when streaming data.

  3. Optimize your code: Optimize your Flask application code to reduce resource usage and improve performance. This includes minimizing the amount of data being streamed at once, and making sure that your code is running efficiently.

  4. Use Cloud Storage: If your Flask application is streaming large files, consider using Google Cloud Storage to store and serve those files instead. This will reduce the load on your Flask application and speed up the streaming process.

  5. Increase compute resources: If you are still unable to stream API response, consider increasing the compute resources available to your Flask application. This may involve upgrading to a larger instance type or adding additional instances to your deployment.