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One way to resolve the issue of accessing a member within an address that is misaligned at runtime is by using alignment attributes or functions. These attributes or functions allow the programmer to specify the alignment requirements of data structures to ensure that they are correctly aligned in memory.

For example, in C++, the "alignas" keyword can be used to specify the alignment of a variable or a data structure. The "alignof" keyword can be used to retrieve the alignment requirements of a variable or a data structure.

In addition, many programming languages provide functions for memory allocation and deallocation that ensure memory is properly aligned. For example, in C++, the "std::aligned_alloc" function can be used to allocate memory with a specific alignment.

Overall, the solution to this issue depends on the programming language and the specific requirements of the application. However, using alignment attributes or functions is a general approach that can help to ensure that data is properly aligned and accessible at runtime.