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There could be several reasons why you are unable to use sqlite3_bind_text while bind-double works without any issue:

  1. Incorrect function arguments: Double-check that you are passing the correct arguments to the function. The sqlite3_bind_text function has four arguments: the prepared statement, the parameter index, the text value to bind, and the length of the text value. Make sure that you are passing the correct values for each of these arguments.

  2. Incorrect data type: If you are trying to bind a text value using a function that expects a double data type, this will not work. Make sure that you are using the correct function for the data type you want to bind.

  3. Incorrect SQLite version or library: If you are using an outdated version of SQLite or a library that is not compatible with your version of SQLite, this could cause issues when binding text values. Make sure that you are using the correct version of SQLite and the appropriate library for your system.

  4. Memory issues: If you are running out of memory when trying to bind text values, this could cause the function to fail. Try freeing up memory or increasing the amount of available memory to see if this resolves the issue.

  5. Syntax errors: If your SQL statements contain syntax errors, this could also cause issues when binding text values. Make sure that your SQL statements are valid and properly formatted.