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MFC can be used to incorporate Direct2D technology when working with svg files by following the steps below:

  1. Create a new MFC application in Visual Studio.

  2. In the project settings, enable Direct2D and DirectWrite support.

  3. Add the Direct2D headers to your project.

  4. Load the svg file using an XML parser.

  5. Parse the svg file and extract the necessary information (such as shapes, colors, etc.).

  6. Create a Direct2D device context.

  7. Create Direct2D resources (such as brushes, pens, etc.) based on the extracted information.

  8. Draw the shapes using the Direct2D device context and resources.

  9. Implement zooming and scrolling functionality by adjusting the Direct2D device context.

  10. Handle user input events such as mouse clicks and keyboard presses to interact with the svg file.

  11. Save the svg file using the XML parser.

By following the above steps, you can incorporate Direct2D technology when working with svg files in MFC.