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To utilize Realm.Net for unit testing a class library, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Add the NuGet package for Realm.Net to your class library project.

  2. Create a test project for your class library and add the necessary dependencies and references.

  3. In your test methods, create a new instance of the Realm database and add test data to it. You can then test your class library methods against this test data.

  4. Use the Realm database's transaction API to rollback any changes made during the test, ensuring that your test data remains consistent and does not affect other tests.

  5. Clean up any resources used by the Realm database after each test, to avoid any memory leaks.

By utilizing Realm.Net for unit testing in this way, you can ensure that your class library functions correctly and as intended, without relying on external resources or data sources that may be unavailable or unreliable.