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One possible solution is to use a for loop to iteratively access each field of the struct that has the same struct type. Here's an example code:

% Define the struct with fields of the same type
myStruct.fieldA = struct('subFieldA', [], 'subFieldB', []);
myStruct.fieldB = struct('subFieldA', [], 'subFieldB', []);

% Iterate through the fields of the struct
fieldNames = fieldnames(myStruct);
for i = 1:numel(fieldNames)
    % Get the current field name and value
    fieldName = fieldNames{i};
    fieldValue = myStruct.(fieldName);

    % Check if the field value is a struct
    if isstruct(fieldValue)
        % Iterate through the subfields of the struct
        subFieldNames = fieldnames(fieldValue);
        for j = 1:numel(subFieldNames)
            % Get the current subfield name and value
            subFieldName = subFieldNames{j};
            subFieldValue = fieldValue.(subFieldName);

            % Do something with the subfield value
            fprintf('Field %s.%s = %s\n', fieldName, subFieldName, num2str(subFieldValue));
        % Do something with the non-struct field value
        fprintf('Field %s = %s\n', fieldName, num2str(fieldValue));

This code defines a struct myStruct with two fields (fieldA and fieldB) that have the same struct type. A for loop iterates through the fields of the struct, checks if the field value is a struct, and if so, iterates through the subfields of the struct. The subfield values are printed out using fprintf, but you can replace this with any operation that you want to perform on the subfield values.