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A portal effect can be achieved in Unity 2021.3 URP for a VR game using the following steps:

  1. Create a portal geometry: Use a 3D modeling tool like Blender or Maya to create a portal geometry. The portal geometry should consist of two rectangular planes, one facing the inside of the portal and one facing the outside.

  2. Create a render texture: Create a render texture in Unity by going to Assets > Create > Render Texture. Set the resolution of the render texture to match the resolution of the portal geometry.

  3. Set up the camera: Place a camera on each side of the portal geometry. Set the camera on the inside to render to the portal's render texture, and set the camera on the outside to render to the main screen.

  4. Set up materials: Create two materials. One material for the portal and another material for the environment behind it.

  5. Add the portal effect: Create a shader that maps the portal's render texture onto the portal's geometry. Use a custom shader to map the render texture, add distortion effects, or other visual effects to create the desired portal effect.

  6. Apply the materials to the geometry: Apply the materials you created in step 4 to the portal's geometry.

  7. Test and tweak: Test the effect in VR and adjust the settings as needed to achieve the desired effect.

Note: These steps are a basic guideline, and there may be additional steps or adjustments necessary depending on the context of your VR game.