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To designate the programming language used in 'Fastfile' within Android Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Open the 'Fastfile' file in Android Studio.
  2. Look for the file extension at the bottom-right corner of the screen. It should be '.rb' if the file is written in Ruby programming language.
  3. If the file extension is not '.rb', click on it and select 'Ruby' as the language from the dropdown menu.
  4. If the dropdown menu does not show 'Ruby' as an option, you may need to install the Ruby plugin in Android Studio first.
  5. To install the Ruby plugin, go to 'Preferences' (or 'Settings' on Windows) -> 'Plugins' -> search for 'Ruby' -> click on 'Install'.
  6. Once the Ruby plugin is installed, restart Android Studio and follow steps 1-3 again to designate 'Ruby' as the programming language for 'Fastfile'.