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There could be multiple reasons for this issue, some possible reasons are:

  1. Incorrect usage of when/case statement: If the when/case statement is not used correctly in the Ruby application, it may produce unexpected Nil values. Make sure that the when/case statements are properly nested and structured.

  2. Missing default case: When there is no matching condition in the when/case statement, and there is no default case specified, it can also cause the issue of producing Nil values.

  3. Unexpected input values: If the input values provided to the when/case statement are not in the expected format, it can also produce unexpected Nil values.

  4. Application logic: Sometimes, the application logic may be flawed, leading to the production of Nil values. It is important to review the application code and ensure that all the necessary conditions and variables are being considered.

To resolve this issue, it is recommended to review the Ruby code, check the input values, and ensure that the when/case statements are being used correctly, and all necessary cases are being handled. Additionally, debugging and error handling techniques can also be used to identify and resolve the issue.