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To perform a Count operation with a dynamic parameter using LINQ in ASP.NET Core 3.1, you can use the following syntax:

public async Task<int> GetCount(string searchTerm)
    // Instantiate your DbContext
    using (var context = new MyDbContext())
        var query = context.MyEntity.Where(e => e.Property.Contains(searchTerm));

        // Call the Count() method to get the total number of entities that fit the search criteria
        var count = await query.CountAsync();

        return count;

This code initializes a new instance of your DbContext class, then applies a dynamic search term to filter the results of a MyEntity query. Finally, it calls the Count() method to get the total number of MyEntity records that match the search criteria and returns that count as an int value. Note that this example assumes you are using Entity Framework Core and have properly configured your DbContext and entity classes.