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The PauseTransition method in JavaFX is used to create a pause or delay in the timeline of animation or any change that needs to be made.

The basic steps to use PauseTransition in JavaFX are as follows:

  1. Create an instance of PauseTransition class using its constructor.

  2. Set the duration of the pause by calling the setDuration method of the PauseTransition class and passing the duration as a parameter.

  3. Set any additional properties such as cycle count or auto reverse by calling their respective set methods.

  4. Define what should happen after the pause ends by registering an event handler using the setOnFinished method.

  5. Start the pause by calling the play method on the PauseTransition instance.

Here is a sample code snippet demonstrating the usage of PauseTransition:

//create PauseTransition with a 2-second duration
PauseTransition pause = new PauseTransition(Duration.seconds(2));

//set cycle count and auto reverse

//define what to do after the pause is done
pause.setOnFinished((event) -> {
    System.out.println("Pause is over!");

//start the pause;

This code will create a 2-second PauseTransition, set the cycle count to 2, and enable auto reverse. After the pause completes, the "Pause is over!" message will be printed to the console.