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You can retrieve the header of the dead letter queue in IBM MQ using pymqi by using the MQGMOPROPERTIESASQDEF option in the get method. Here's an example code:

import pymqi

queue_manager = "QMGR"
channel = "CHANNEL"
host = "HOST"
port = "PORT"
queue_name = "DLQ"

cd = pymqi.CD()
cd.ChannelName = channel
cd.ConnectionName = f"{host}({port})"

qmgr = pymqi.connect(queue_manager, user="", password="", cd=cd)

q_desc = pymqi.Queue(queue_manager, queue_name, pymqi.CMQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING | pymqi.CMQC.MQOO_INPUT_SHARED)
gmo = pymqi.GMO()

message_header = q_desc.get(None, None, gmo, None, None)


In this code, we first connect to the queue manager and create an object for the dead letter queue. Then we create a get message options object (GMO) and set the MQGMOPROPERTIESASQDEF option to retrieve the header properties. Finally, we call the get method on the queue object and pass the header object as the return variable.

Note: We are assuming that the dead letter queue is already defined in the queue manager and that it is accessible to the connecting user. If not, you may need to adjust the permissions and configuration settings accordingly.