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There are several reasons why Cloudwatch may stop displaying logs from AWS Lambda:

  1. Retention period: Cloudwatch has a retention period for log data, after which the data is deleted. Check if the retention period has expired.

  2. Log group limit: Each AWS account has a limit on the number of log groups that can be created in Cloudwatch. If the limit is reached, try consolidating or deleting old log groups.

  3. Permission issues: Ensure that the IAM role associated with the Lambda function has the necessary permissions to write logs to Cloudwatch.

  4. Issues with Cloudwatch agent: If the Lambda function is running on an EC2 instance with the Cloudwatch agent installed, check if the agent is running and configured correctly.

  5. Lambda function errors: If the Lambda function encounters errors, it may not be able to write logs to Cloudwatch. Check the Lambda function's Cloudwatch metrics for any errors.

  6. Firewall or network issues: Ensure that there are no firewall or network issues that may be preventing the logs from being uploaded to Cloudwatch.

If none of the above solutions work, consider contacting AWS Support for further assistance.