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There are several reasons why certain images may fail to load in an email on iPhone/iPad/iOS, including:

  1. Slow internet connection: If the internet connection is slow or intermittent, it can cause images to take longer to load or fail to load altogether.

  2. Blocked images: iOS has a feature that allows users to block images from being loaded in emails, particularly for security reasons. If this feature is enabled, some images may not load.

  3. Large image sizes: Large images can take longer to load or fail to load altogether, particularly if the device's memory is full or the email client has limitations on image size.

  4. Image format: Some email clients may not support certain image formats, such as animated GIFs, which can cause them to fail to load.

  5. Email settings: Email settings can affect how images are displayed in emails, such as HTML or rich text format. If the email client does not support the chosen format, images may not load.

  6. Bad HTML coding: If the email is poorly coded, it can cause images to fail to load. This can happen if the email is created in a different email client than the one being used to view it.