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To achieve an endless Brainfuck interpreter in Rust, you can use a loop that continuously reads input from the user, interprets the Brainfuck code, and then prompts the user to enter more code. Here's a high-level outline of how this might work:

  1. Create a loop that runs indefinitely.
  2. Use the std::io library to read input from the user.
  3. Parse the input as Brainfuck code.
  4. Use a Vector or Array to keep track of the memory cells and the current index.
  5. Implement the Brainfuck instructions as Rust functions. For example, the > instruction would increment the memory index, the < instruction would decrement the memory index, the + instruction would increment the value at the current memory cell, and so on.
  6. Execute the Brainfuck code by calling the appropriate Rust functions for each instruction in the parsed input.
  7. After the execution of the code, print the current state of the memory.
  8. Ask the user if they want to enter more code. If they do, go back to step 2. If not, exit the loop.

By following this general approach, you can create an endless Brainfuck interpreter in Rust that allows the user to enter and run Brainfuck code indefinitely.