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There are a few ways to implement a loader in an app with multiple components and states:

  1. Use a higher-order component (HOC): You can create a HOC that wraps around your components and displays a loader whenever there is an API call. This HOC can take in the component as a prop and render it when the API call is complete.

  2. Use a global state management library: Libraries like Redux, MobX, and Recoil can help manage global state across your application. You can create a loader component and add a loading state to your global store. Whenever an API call is made, you can update this loading state, and the loader component will automatically be rendered.

  3. Implement a loading indicator for each component: If you want more granular control of the loader, you can create loading indicators for each component. When an API call is made in a component, you can update the loading state for that component and render a loading indicator.

Overall, the approach you take will depend on the complexity of your app and your preferences for managing state. Regardless of the method you choose, implementing a loader will help improve the user experience of your app by providing feedback and reducing frustration caused by waiting for API calls to complete.