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Desynchronization of Framer motion animation can occur due to various reasons, such as slow rendering, performance issues, or conflicting animations. This can result in the animation appearing out of sync, janky, or choppy.

To address desynchronization, you can take the following steps:

  1. Optimize performance: Analyze the animation's performance using Framer's diagnostic tools and optimize the code to reduce unnecessary computations.

  2. Use requestAnimationFrame: Use requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout to let the browser schedule the animation, ensuring smooth and synchronized motion.

  3. Minimize conflicting animations: Avoid conflicting animations that could disrupt the flow of the animation, such as overlapping or simultaneous animations.

  4. Use easing functions: Use easing functions to ensure smooth acceleration and deceleration and prevent jarring transitions.

  5. Test on different devices: Test the animation on a variety of devices, browsers, and operating systems to ensure that it works correctly under different conditions.

By addressing these issues, you can ensure that your Framer motion animations are synchronized and smooth, providing a polished user experience.