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To make protobuf.js generate string values for enums instead of integers, you can use the string option when defining the enum field in the protobuf schema:

enum MyEnum {
  option allow_alias = true;
  option (protobufjs.enum_value_string) = true; // enable string values

  VALUE_ONE = 0 [(protobufjs.value) = "enum-value-one"]; // set string value
  VALUE_TWO = 1 [(protobufjs.value) = "enum-value-two"]; // set string value

Here, the (protobufjs.enum_value_string) = true option enables string values for the enum, and the (protobufjs.value) option allows you to set a custom string value for each enum value.

When you generate code from this schema using protobuf.js, the generated TypeScript/JavaScript code will have string values for the enum instead of integers:

enum MyEnum {
  VALUE_ONE = "enum-value-one",
  VALUE_TWO = "enum-value-two",